Saturday, December 12, 2009

Understanding Coast Guard 6505

RADM Manson Brown announced the release of the Coast Guard's investigation of the loss of CG 6505 of Air Station Barbers Point Hawaii during rescue basket training. Being "Always Ready" is dangerous work in itself.

“We do very dangerous work, often in harsh environments,” said Brown. “Our training procedures must appropriately challenge our crews to a degree necessary to maximize mission success for actual cases. Mariners rely on us to be there when they encounter the perils of the sea.”

Rescue basket hoist training involves a helicopter lowering a rescue basket to the deck of a Coast Guard boat and then hoisting the basket back to the right side door of the helicopter.

The detailed results and recommendations from the investigation are issued to the public through the Commandant’s Final Action Memo on the Administrative Investigation and through the Final Decision Letter on the Mishap Investigation. Both documents are available in the Coast Guard’s FOIA Reading Room at or can be downloaded here.

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