Thursday, November 25, 2010

9 year old boy saves grandfather

Matthew Drisko, 9, is a hero. According to the rescue account, his grandfather Lester got caught in a lobster trap line and went overboard.

Matthew brought the 34-foot lobster boat around to where his grandfather was struggling and attempted to get him back in the boat.

“He grabbed the hood of my sweatshirt and tried to pull me in but I was way too heavy for him,” Lester said. Matthew took off his own lifejacket and fastened it around his grandfather’s neck.

Then, Matthew hailed nearby boat for assistance and saved his grandfather from certain death in 44 degree water off the Maine coast.


Congressman, Coast Guard award Jonesport native Certificate of Valor

Photo of award ceremony
In this photo released by the U.S. Coast Guard, Congressman Michael Michaud poses with Matthew Drisko, Matthew's grandfather Lester Drisko and Cmdr. Brian Gilda, deputy sector commander of Coast Guard Sector Northern New England, during the presentation of the Certificate of Valor to Matthew at Coast Guard Station Jonesport, Monday, Nov. 22, 2010. Matthew was recognized for his heroic actions when he assisted in the rescue of his grandfather while on a fishing trip on May 26, 2009. Coast Guard photo.

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