Wednesday, March 17, 2010

NOAA and Coast Guard teamwork

NOAA and Coast Guard are close partners. NOAA provides weather information critical to safe navigation. Coast Guard sets the buoys. Similar close coordination occurs for charting, EPIRB monitoring and response, protection of marine mammals, and hazmat spill response.

BALTIMORE – The Coast Guard along with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration conducted seasonal buoy replacements Monday in the Chesapeake Bay.

The Coast Guard Cutter James Rankin, a 175-foot coastal buoy tender homeported in Baltimore, maintains approximately 375 aids to navigation and conducts fall and spring buoy replacements annually.

Weather buoys collect data and report real-time environmental information including wind speed, temperature and wave height. The buoys also serve as interpretive buoys that mark the Captain John Smith Chesapeake National Historical Trail that runs throughout the Chesapeake Bay.

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