Monday, January 11, 2010

Good Samaritans to the rescue in Indonesia

I really appreciate seafarers rescuing fellow seafarers no matter where they are in the world. The crew of a small cement carrier said that big waves buffeted the ship, breaking the keel and causing it to sink. The crewmen were forced to take refuge on a raft.

Jakarta: Ship’s Crew Saved by Passing Fisherman

image78 Maritime Monday 196A fisherman rescued seven members of a ship’s crew after they had been floating in the open sea for almost a day following an accident, a police official said on Sunday. Jakarta Police spokesman Sr. Comr. Boy Rafli Amar said the crew of KLM Muara Amanat was found floating on a raft east of Sebira Island, the northernmost of the Thousand Islands archipelago at around 5:30 p.m on Saturday.

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